Ever notice how some government programs draw the ire of almost everyone?
Conservatives, liberals, environmentalists, libertarians, business, labor,
consumers and grouchy taxpayers are all opposed. Yet these programs go on as
though directed by an unstoppable particle beam from a neighboring galaxy. The
public rarely sees who in Washington keeps the outrage in motion, and that's
how "they" get away with it. The sugar support program is one such curiosity. We will get into the
"who" and "how," but first an explanation of why almost
everyone hates it.
Americans pay about three times the world price of sugar because of a
complex farm program designed to greatly enrich U.S. sugar growers and
processors, in actuality a handful of families. (Editor's Note: This is covered very well in Timothy P. Carney's book, “The BigRipoff, How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money.” Buy
the book to find out why this goes on) Among other things, it limits imports of
far cheaper sugar from impoverished Caribbean countries. It provides
taxpayer-backed loans: If prices slip, the borrowers repay their loans with
sugar, which taxpayers must sell at a loss or store at their own expense........To Read More.....
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