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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Grover Norquist Turns to Progressive Media in Crusade Against Ted Cruz

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist has now turned to left-wing media to continue his smear campaign against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a first-year senator already emerging as a leader of the Republican Party.
“I have never had a criticism of Ted Cruz’s strategy because I’ve never been able to find it,” Norquist said Monday night on Sirius XM’s Standup with Pete Dominick, according to a report in The Daily Beast. Dominick is a reliably progressive radio host who hosts his show on the liberal POTUS network on Sirius XM. The Daily Beast is similarly liberal, having dropped notions of objectivity when Tina Brown killed the Newsweek arm of the publication.
Norquist’s staffers have engaged in a deliberative Twitter campaign against Cruz and the Tea Party movement. Ryan Ellis, the tax policy director for Norquist’s downtown Washington, D.C., organization, recently attacked the National Review’s Andrew Johnson on Twitter. “hey look, the idiot from NRO who thinks shutting down the govt defunds obamacare is attacking me, too,” Ellis tweeted, referencing a story Johnson posted on National Review’s website including a tweet showing he views Sen. Cruz as a “despicable man who lies to good people.”  Ellis also called Tea Partiers “freaking retarded.”....To Read More....

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