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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 26, 2013

DHS raids Human Events alumnus, seizes list of whistleblowers

By: John Hayward 10/25/2013

HUMAN EVENTS alumnus Audrey Hudson was the target of a Department of Homeland Security raid in August that was ostensibly related to firearms, but in a new interview with the Daily Caller, she revealed that DHS and the Maryland State Police also just happened to confiscate her files and notes… which included information about whistleblowers inside Homeland Security.

Hudson says the files were taken without her knowledge, and without a subpoena. The Daily Caller confirmed that the search warrant pertained to firearms and ammunition. Even that part of the story seems rather flimsy, but then we get to all those juicy files that got hoovered up during the raid:……. The Coast Guard was involved because Audrey’s husband works for them as an ordinance technician. What was the reason given for grabbing his wife’s files.....

Hudson says none of the documents were classified, and no laws were broken in obtaining them. She said the government papers in her possession were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, an assertion the Coast Guard confirmed. And how did they confirm it? They handed the material over to the “source agency” for review – or, as Hudson put it, they turned the whisteblower information over to the agency that had the whistle blown against it.....To Read More.....
My Take - Is the being done under the Patriot Act?  If can Congress pass legislation that overturns rights "guaranteed" under the Constitution? 

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