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Friday, January 10, 2025

End Sue and Settle, Forever!!!

 By Rich Kozlovich

Mike McDaniel published this piece, Another DOGE priority: Sue and Settle, saying:

Sue and Settle is a great scam for lawyers and greenie Luddites in government and the private sector determined to return the world to a pristine, per-industrial state.....

He goes on to show just how corrupt and profitable this has been for these irrational, misanthropic, and morally defective green activists, and really big winners, their attorneys, who've racked up 18 million dollars between 2013 and 2022.   In 2018 the Director of EPA at that time made it clear the first Trump administration's position was: “The days of regulation through litigation are over.”  Unfortunately, as was noted in the Buckeye Institute news release the Biden administration did away with that:

........federal regulators are sometimes “only too happy to face collusive lawsuits by friendly ‘foes,’” Grossman told the Subcommittee that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency entered into “more than sixty such settlements” in the first term of the Obama Administration alone, forcing the EPA to publish more than one hundred new regulations “at a cost to the economy of tens of billions of dollars.” Upon entering office, Grossman noted that the Trump Administration ended the abuse of sue and settle, declaring, “The days of regulation through litigation are over.” Unfortunately, the Biden Administration quickly revived the practice.

This has been going on for many years, here's my  file, going back to 2011.  In 2012 my now passed friend Alan Caruba posted this article, The Courts and the EPA showing the depth of corruption behind all this saying:
 The EPA actually encourages environmental groups to sue in order to enter into consent decrees to “settle” the case in a manner they prefer. For decades, environmental groups have reaped millions in taxpayer dollars by accommodating the agency in this fashion. A case in point is the Environmental Defense Fund that received $2.76 million in grants over the last decade while at the same time suing the EPA over various issues. 
In July, Representative Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) took on the little known radical environmentalist scam known as “sue and settle” where a green group acting in cahoots with the EPA or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sues the Agency demanding that they apply the law in a new, expanded way that increases the agency’s jurisdiction............The Westmoreland defund amendment to the Interior Department appropriation bill would have rolled back this abuse of taxpayer funds by denying the payment of attorney fees in ‘sue and settle’ cases. This action is needed to stop this Obama Administration orchestrated expansion of executive power....... (Editor's note: The link to the original article no longer works and it appears the original is now gone.  All that's left is my link and the paragraphs I posted. RK)

For 40 years I was an exterminator, this was a problem for decades. One of the many problems with EPA is it's filled with green activists who've actively colluded with the environmentalists. While during the first Trump administration they attempted to do away with this corruption it never goes away because these green moles at EPA merely hunker down until the political climate changes and then start all over again.

These sue and settle scams gave the greenies what they wanted, money and destructive power over America's economy, and it gave EPA what it wanted, power the Congress never voted on, or intended for them to have.  The Loper Bright v. Raimondo ruling that overturned the is a massive gift to those who wish to end this insanity.
The solution is getting rid of the EPA. My passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr was one of the founders of EPA and said it had been taken over by radicals and hadn't done anything worthwhile since 1980 and put together a five year plan to dismantle it.  As time has gone by I realized that plan, with some variations, was workable to dismantle all these federal agencies.   All that it takes is vision and courage

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