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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 6, 2025

Greenies Lie, Period!

By Rich Kozlovich

As it turns out, the greenies make things up, ludicrous things that only the brain dead can accept, you see, according to them "climate change is making plants less nutritious − that could already be hurting animals that are grazers".  Really?  And they know that how?  Let's try and get this right:

Never believe anything the green pushers, including the media, tell you. Their previous predictions have been pure garbage or propaganda to push an agenda, and they clearly care more about money and power than our length and quality of life. It is pathetic and dangerous when almost all people pretending to be journalists just regurgitate what they are told on “climate change” and “global warming” instead of doing research and asking questions. They are great contributors to the dumbing down of society, especially the children.

For many years I've written about the green movement and I learned from very early on, they lie, so when I write, I start with that foundational premise, and after I do the research on any subject they're ranting about..... guess what I find. They lied!

As for their doom and gloom, Chicken Little, the sky is falling predictions, they're pathetic. Here is my Failed Predictions file, along with my commentaries, If Green Prediction Was a Corporation, They'd Have a Monopoly on Being Wrong! And I particularly like this one, A Prince Who Was Potty, is Now a King Who is Potty, and Dangerously So!

Many years ago a customer who knew about my articles asked if I believed in global warning. I said, yes, and I believe in global cooling, but I don't believe mankind has anything to do with either one, and that's the issue. As for their climate models and predictions, that's garbage in and garbage out, as a result their timelines for disaster have come and gone, and the world is still here.

Environmentalism is part and parcel of a green globalist, one world government tyrannous socialist secular religion, with disaster mongering and lying as the central tenets of that religion.

A thousand years ago during the Medieval Warming Period the world was substantially warmer than it is today, and none of the disasters they're predicting for today occurred then, and there's no reason to believe they will occur now.

The world actually needs more CO2, not less. Climate change and CO2 have nothing to do with each other, except, climate change precedes CO2, not the reverse, and CO2 does not change the climate.   All that's absolutely known, and now we see Michigan is going to destroy 400 acres of woodland to build a solar farm with solar panels made in China.   

Remember 35 years ago the greenies were outraged at the controlled timber harvesting in the Northwest claiming logging was killing the spotted own.  After destroying that industry it was disclosed logging that was killing them at all, it was the barred owl, and the greenies knew that right from he start.  They lied, and now where are these green misfits over Michigan destroying 400 acres of forest to make way for solar panels?  The greenies have very selective outrage because their not about the environment, they're about destroying western civilization, and sadly so many of them at the base are nothing more than useful clueless idiots.

And now look at what that darned global warming has caused. Record-breaking wind, ice, and snow to impact 250 million Americans. Yes, and worse, global warming is now going to cause major winter storms and blizzard conditions in at least a dozen states, and even Washington DC. The answer?  Cut down more trees.   

Criminals have a code: "never give up on the con", and they haven't.

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