By Rich Kozlovich
As Biden's days as President are coming to a close he continues to befoul the Presidency. First all these corrupt pardons, then executive orders and regulations without end to prevent the Trump administration from instituting policies that will actually aid the nation versus the insane and inept policies, foreign and domestic, the Biden administration imposed on the nation, and the world.
Leftists are demanding he impose the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, which has run out of time, but they say he can do it. the Congress, the courts, and the national Archivist says he can't. And now he's besmirched the value of the Medal of Freedom.
Some of those who were given this award by Biden were pretty much from the "political snake class", making this award meaningless.
There was a 2002 movie about a Russian submarine,
K-19: The Widowmaker with Harrison Ford. At the end of the movie after discovering the Soviet hierarchy refused to give medals to the crew members who died saving the rest of the crew's lives Ford's character said:
For their courage I nominated these men for the title of hero of the Soviet Union. But the committee ruled that because it was not wartime,
and because it was merely an accident, they were not worthy of the title
hero. What good are honors from such people? These men sacrificed, not
for a medal. But because when the time came, it was their duty. Not to
the navy, or to the state, but to us. Their comrades.
Though the course of my life I've seen this pattern playing out so often. Honors bestowed on the unworthy, while ignoring those who actually accomplish something worthwhile.
In this article by Eric Utter, Biden awards Hillary and Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the author asks:
Is John Hinckley,
Jr. next in line for the prestigious award? He came within a half an
inch of assassinating Ronald Reagan in 1981 but now lives on his own and
has started his own record label! Maybe instead of Biden just granting 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a plea deal, he could award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, too....
While Hillary received a standing ovation, that doesn't change the fact she's still a snake, in a room full of vipers. Things may change for her soon. Monica Showalter says Biden has "soiled" this award stating:
As President Obama used to say: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up." Or as President Trump put it:
"Everything he touches turns to s---." Joe's always promoted that kind
of partisan unity. So now he's handing out another slew of awards, as
if his pardons and
commutations to heinous criminals, and his civilian award to Liz Cheney
were not enough........
Matt Vespa says now this award means nothing, and Patricia McCarthy, citing examples, calls the Biden administration a bunch of immature spoiled playground bullies, and even calls them treasonous, who would happily destroy the country.
The final indignity the Biden regime has inflicted on the American people is to present Hillary Clinton and George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom. HRC and Soros are two of the most corrupt, self-serving creatures
ever set loose on our republic. It was bad enough that he gave the
loathsome Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson, her partner in crime on the J6
committee, the Presidential Citizens Medal.
That committee was a fraudulent panel if there ever was one; it was a
theatrical production full of lies, and its members destroyed actual
evidence. That committee was a purposeful insult to all the people who
have been destroyed by the Biden/Garland pursuit and persecution of
anyone present in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021.
"What good are honors from such people?"
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