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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Biden Dementia Cover-up

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

Will there be accountability?

During the 2020 campaign, Republicans questioned Joe Biden’s mental acuity issues. We knew in 2020 that Biden lacked the brain cells to be commander in chief. AND DEMOCRATS KNEW IT, TOO!


Joey needed detailed note cards to walk onto a stage. He needed detailed notes to get off the stage. It was obvious, except to the lying leftist legacy media.

Now it’s been confirmed that for four disastrous years, the United States of America did NOT have a president, but rather a “Weekend at Bernie”-like corpse floating between D.C. and Delaware. A sampling of Joe “Dementia” Biden lowlights that were on display for the entire world (especially our enemies) to see:

  • March 2021—Walking UP the stairs while boarding Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, Biden stumbled and fell THREE times. 
  • June 2021—Addressing US military personnel RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk, Great Britain, Biden called the Royal Air Force the “RFA.” 
  • November 2021—Biden fell asleep while listening to speakers at COP 26 in Glasgow. He woke up when an aide came over to talk to him. 
  • April 2022—Biden finished delivering his 40-minute teleprompter speech at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, when he turned to his right and put out his hand to shake it with … thin air! (Biden has done this numerous times; we are just listing this incident.) 
  • June 2022—Biden fell off his bike during a ride near his Rehoboth Beach home in Delaware. Gee, that clip must have been played a million times … in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea! 
  • September 2022—Speaking at a White House conference on hunger, nutrition and health, Biden called out for the late Indiana Representative Jackie Walorski who had died just a few weeks before. He knew she died because at the time he made a public comment about her death.
  •  October 2022—Celebrating the Indian holiday of Diwali, Biden wanted to use the occasion to showcase the presumed appointment of Britain’s first non-white prime minister Rishi Sunak. However, Biden kept stumbling over Sunak’s name before calling him “Rashee Sanook.”
  •  May 2023—At the G7 summit Biden almost fell walking down the stairs of the Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island as he went to greet Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Following the tour, the world leaders met for dinner—all except Joe Biden who needed to get to bed. 
  • June 2023—While handing out diplomas at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, Joe Biden stumbled to the floor. Gee, that clip must have been played a million times … in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea! 
  • August 2023—News went out that Biden would primarily use Air Force One’s shorter rear steps to minimize chances of falling going up or down.
  •  September 2023—Giving a speech at a private event in New York, Biden repeated the same story within minutes. 
  • September 2023—Walking onto the United Nations stage to join Brazil’s leftist President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Joey walked into the seven-foot Brazilian flag. The two men were there to discuss improving workers’ rights in both countries, but Joey walked off the stage without shaking Lula da Silva’s hand. 
  • September 2023—Giving a speech in Washington to the Congressional HISPANIC Caucus, Joey called them the Congressional BLACK Caucus. 
  • September 2023—Standing in the White House Rose Garden, Biden claimed he had been to “every mass shooting.” (False!) This was a few days after he falsely claimed to have visited Ground Zero in Manhattan on September 12, 2001. (False!) (There isn’t room to list every lie Biden has told in the last four years.) 
  • June 2023—At the White House Juneteenth celebration, everyone is standing and swaying/clapping to the music—except Joe Biden. He rigidly stood appearing to not know where he was. 
  • March 2024—Following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, Joey recalled commuting by train over the bridge on his train rides to and from Delaware to DC. The bridge did not have train tracks. 
  • June 2024—Joe Biden insisted on debating Donald Trump BEFORE their respective party conventions. By then, the world knew what Republicans had insisted on since before the 2020 campaign—Joe Biden has dementia! 
  • July 2024—Standing at the NATO summit podium, Biden introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin.” Then hours later, Biden calls his vice president “Trump” when he said of Vice President Kamala Harris, “Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, did I think she’s not qualified to be president. Number one.’ 
  • July 2024—In an interview with Black Entertainment Television, Biden spoke about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who is black. However, he forgot his secretary’s name and called Austin “a black man.” (Can you imagine the uproar if Ronald Reagan, George Bush or Donald Trump called their black Secretary of Defense “a black man?”) 
  • December 2024—During a discussion with African officials and US business leaders during his visit to Angola, Joey fell asleep at the conference table. 
Our nation’s entire mess started with Barack Obama. Read “The Man Who Illegally Got Obama on the Hawaiian Ballot in 2008” by Susan Daniels.

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