“For though we love both the truth and our friends, piety requires to honor the truth first.” - Aristotle
By Rich Kozlovich, Tags: My Media Commentaries
Ken Starr, the Special Prosecutor in the Clinton case, was vilified and made to look stupid by the media constantly. Even stalking Starr outside his home and asking him questions when he went outside to throw out the garbage in his bathrobe.
Starr in effect admitted his naivete saying the optics never occurred to him as he didn't want to be rude, as the reporters were just doing their job. Now that's naive, true, but that's how descent people act.
The media isn't descent, they're not honest, and they're corrupt to the bone. Why did it take so long for everyone to grasp that? And Walter Cronkite, "The most trusted man in America", was just as guilty. He was a secret globalist, and the Pravda media, aka, the Fourth Estate still is.
On November 13,2024 Dr. Michael J. Hurd published this article, What Makes a Person “Suggestible” and Why It Matters
Far from being something mysterious, the power of suggestion is often a part of everyday life.....Simply put, a person is “suggestible” if he or she accepts and acts on suggestions by others. Suggestions can range from lies to misunderstandings to incorrect perceptions (like the caffeine example). In other words, your mind, and in some cases, your body, will trick you into believing that something is – or isn’t – true.......
He goes on to say:
Researchers warn against confusing “suggestibility” with “susceptibility.” Susceptibility refers to a physical weakness or predisposition, like being susceptible to colds. Though suggestibility is more mental......The famous saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute” may be true — but only where critical thinking is ignored, discouraged or outlawed.
The Pravda media has knowingly and corruptly spewed out lies of commission, lies of omission, misinformation, and fake news for decades placing a mammoth thumb on America's election scales.
The bias, from both the mainstream media and the tech/social media is mind-boggling. The problem isn’t that Democrats openly and habitually lie about Donald Trump on a regular basis. The problem is that the media uses subliminal messaging to reinforce those lies. They are not fair, neutral arbiters.
The media are Democrats, by and large. For example, Democrat strategist Aisha Mills recently appeared on Erin Burnett’s show on CNN [whose] insane rant naturally invoked Hitler, but ranged from eugenics (What? Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger are icons within the Democrat party, and she wants to complain about eugenics?) to her personal belief, based on nothing but her own emotion, that Donald Trump considers himself superior to her because of her genetics due to her identity a black lesbian. ...........
Well, I'm betting tree moss is superior to her, and they wonder why they're swirling down the drain. MSNBC, CNN are disintegrating, and left wing outlets are utterly stupefied as to why!
The fact is the real reason Trump is so popular is because of the internet. So many alternative news site popped up overnight, like American Thinker, all of which what's called the "Fourth Estate", and is in reality the Pravda media, arrogantly, smugly, and dismissively called the alternative media the "Pajama Media", and that's now morphed into the 'Fifth Estate" because as more and more Americans read what was being said they realized just how badly they'd been lied to by the Pravda Media.
And Little Georgie isn't alone. Joy Reid, "We Are Not Having Thanksgiving with You — ‘Make your Own Dinner, MAGA", who never fails to demonstrate what an abysmally disgusting human being she is, even blaming the Muslim terrorist attack in New Orleans on America, is either going to be booted off MSNBC, or take a pay cut. I would choose the boot, but that's just me. When you read the idiotic, nasty things she says you have to ask, Why on earth does MSNBC keep Joy Reid?, but then, why does MSNBC continue to exist? Then there's Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's "star", who will have to now survive on a mere 25 million a year instead of 30 million. And they wonder why they're going broke?
Viewers Abandoned CNN, MSNBC After Election. In the aftermath of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, Fox News experienced significant gains in viewership. The network captured 62 percent of the overall cable news audience, marking its highest cable news share to date. On Election Night and during Vice President Kamala Harris's concession, Fox News was the most-watched network. ( More Here, and Here)
Even the Food Network is doing better than CNN, and Silvio Canto says he understands why, "their chefs and recipes must have more credibility than the news readers" at these networks.
America is now acutely aware of how badly they've been lied to and have walked away from these networks. Once that happened, they never went
back, and those numbers have increased yearly, until now, Now those numbers
are massive, and to the point the Pravda media, both print and
television, are going down the sewer, and are on the chopping block to
be sold, and soon, probably at fire sale prices, and for two reasons.
- Their viewership is far left and they will not tolerate conservative views being shown, so they can't change who and what they are to expand their viewership, and very soon they're going to lose all that lovely, lovely bundling money.
- Streaming is going to bankrupt cable. Cable is dying and being taken over by streaming, and when cable dies, all that lovely, lovely, bundling money will dry up, and worse yet, their ratings as bad as they were, nosedived after the election. They tried streaming with MSNBC+ and it failed almost overnight, so they know with their message they can't generate sufficient income on their own. They're toast.
MSNBC Continues to Crash and Burn, With No Idea What to Do. Now, ya just gotta see the humor in all that panic, and the Trump people are going after the media from now on, as ‘The View’ Host Sunny Hostin has to issue another legal statement for lying about Pete Hegseth claiming he mistreated his wife.
- Report Reveals the Reason Why Neil Cavuto was Ousted from Fox News as President Trump Responds to His Departure
- Lesley Stahl Can’t Figure Out the Decline of Legacy Media
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Now little Georgie Stephanopoulos, the dwarf who roared, has had to settle with Trump for big bucks, apologize to him, and ABC has to fork over $15 Million directly to Trump, and another million to his lawyers. And the dwarf who roared is in a rage, and is allegedly ‘Apoplectic’ over Trump Lawsuit Settlement, but what must really hurt is he's had to take a pay cut, who is still grossly overpaid.
Poor Jim Acosta, a virtual lava flow horsepucky is in a panic over this settlement as he fears getting sued, and if he does, he want's the company to bail him out. It never occurred to them all their lies would constitute "actual malice" under the New York Times V. Sullivan SCOTUS ruling that I think is a disgraceful decision that has absolutely no basis in the Constitution and unleashed onto America corrupt media liars who worked to destroy the lives of people they disapproved of, and it's time to end this insanity and force the media to live by the same standards as the rest of America has to live by.
Then we have the fall of RINO Never Trumpers like Peggy Noonan, who was lauded a lot in years gone by and even then I had no idea why. I read her stuff, and even at that much younger age, with much less experience in life, and much less knowledge, I wasn't impressed. I always came away with the thought I had no idea what she was trying to say, and neither did she. This piece explains why. She wants it both ways, always needing an out, always needing an excuse for failure, just like all the "it's not my fault" leftists they hobnob with.
As has been quoted so often, "There are liars, there are damn liars, and there are statistics",. so when you combine a political persuasion notorious for lies, and can only subsist on lies, a corrupt media that loves those lies, and pollsters who corruptly know they're lies and yet work to make lies those truth, we had a public that was been beguiled for decades.
the internet appeared and then, "Shazam" the "Captain
Marvel", alternative media appeared, AKA, the pajama media, now the new "Fifth Estate", which the
Pravda media smugly and arrogantly smirked at. Well, that's over with,
the smirk is gone, the smirking turned into hate mongering, their network
programs are swirling down the drain, and now the corporate Pravda, Fourth Estate media, is irrelevant, and it's clear the new administration is going to open things up that will place the "Fourth Estate" in a back row seat, where they've belonged for decades.
He who laughs last laughs best. Schadenfreude!
Two more points.
First, this attack against a corrupt media is going to continue, as "U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) shared details about her plans for a brand new House subcommittee tasked with cutting wasteful government spending and redundant bureaucracy", saying among the things, they'll be addressing taxpayer money being used to fund NPR or any media outlet for that matter.
Secondly, for those who may doubt the vile corruption we're seeing from the Pravda media is something new and novel, I would like to draw your attention to an article I originally published in 2011, The Lady is a Hag.
She's like so many of these faux conservatives, they like the attention, the parties, the ability to rub shoulders with prominent leftists of the media, presenting themselves as enlightened, but they've never they been warriors. Jonah Goldberg came close and then capitulated. George Will, Krauthammer, and Bill Kristol, whose father Irving was a communist/socialist at one point and became the "godfather of neoconservatism", which explains a lot about the views of his son, all of whom had the same problem that afflicts so many "intellectuals", a sense of elitist privilege.
I've seen this type in a thousand places and a thousand faces, but they're all the same, they present a face of arrogance and smugness to hide their inadequacies, and are totally uncomfortable in the presence of the peasantry as they live in a echo chamber of head nodders.