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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 9, 2024

For Those Over Sixty!

By Rich Kozlovich

At 78 I'm just as good as I was at..... 77!   Okay, so maybe that's not all that great, but hey, it could be worse, I could be going blind instead of deaf.   At any rate Robin Itzler always has a humor section in her Patriot Neighbor newsletters, and this was part of it.  Old people with a sense of humor will chuckle a bit, old people without a sense of humor bore me, and I've highlighted the ones that particularly resonated with me.

Questions you ask after 60:

  1. - Where did I leave my phone?
  2. - How did I get this bruise?
  3. - What is my new password?
  4. - How do they expect me to read such small print?
  5. - Where did I put my glasses?
  6. - Do I care if I don’t look fashionable, it’s comfortable?
  7. - Does anyone say “please” or “thank you” anymore?
  8. - Where did I put my car keys?
  9. - How did I throw my body out of whack just by sleeping?
  10. - Why isn’t this scale giving me the right weight?
  11. - Where did I put the remote?
  12. - Who the heck is calling at 8:30 PM?
  13. - Why did I come into this room?

 Have a good day.

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