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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 21, 2020

When are Local and State Governments Illegitimate?

Watching “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday night, my stomach turned and heart sank.  Carlson ran video footage of a couple in Portland being dragged from their pickup truck and beaten.  Their sin: their whiteness.  The culprits, BLM thugs.

There were no police to intervene.  Portland police, like Seattle and Minneapolis police, are practically neutered.  Police are hamstrung, defunded, and demoralized in these cities.  Many have handed in their notices.  National Guard deployments are verboten.  Curfews are nonexistent.  The human excrement that pummels innocents to within inches of their lives are ghouls prowling the night.  They’d come for us, if they could. 

This descent into hell is enabled by so-called progressive Democrats in the aforesaid cities and Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, and wherever next.

The progressives have names:
  • Ted Wheeler, 
  • Jenny Durkan, 
  • Jacob Frey -- 
all mayors -- along with numerous council members. And governors,
  •  Kate Brown, 
  • Jay Inslee, and 
  • Tim Walz.  
  • Add Lori Lightfoot, 
  • J.B. Pritzker, 
  • Bill de Blasio, 
  • and Andrew Cuomo to the roster.
All -- all -- have taken oaths of office to uphold the law and attend to the public safety.  They are glaringly derelict in their duties. These elected leaders aren’t simply craven, they’re complicit in the violence and destruction that bedevils their cities. 
  • They see the mobs in the streets.
  • They witness the destruction.
  • They are apprised of the violence.
  • They know innocents are being harmed.
  • They know citizens cower behind locked doors.
  • They know -- know – that the least among their constituents are the most vulnerable to the predation. Yet they permit the mayhem.
  • They let the mobs roam.
  • They fiddle as their cities burn.
These elected leaders are, in fact, aiding and abetting insurrections.  Their inactions are actions.  They hate America, the America of the founding, the America of liberty and the rule of law.  They learned to detest the nation growing up in “progressive” households and on college campuses.  What other conclusions can we draw?  Today, we finally know: scratch a progressive and you uncover a revolutionary...........

Let’s turn to the Declaration of Independence for guidance.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [italics added]...........To Read More...

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