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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 28, 2020

Fox News Drifts Further to Port

August 28, 2020 By Daniel John Sobieski

I watched the 2020 Republican National Convention on C-Span, largely because the screen is uncluttered with banners and preview windows and they hang around at the end of such events for awhile, particularly when President Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, or First Lady Melania is the speaker. I would try to turn to Fox for analysis only to see first up the shining visage of a Marie Harf or a Juan Williams, the Democrat who has lately been obsessing about something called “QAnon violence” whatever that is.

Mornings at Fox have not been much better, with the likes former DNC chair Donna Brazile who, on Tuesday morning’s episode, lost it entirely when questioned about the DNC’s failure to address and accept responsibility for the anarchy, rioting, looting, burning, and deaths resulting from the Democratic Party’s push to empty the prisons, defund and otherwise neuter the police, and to not arrest or prosecute vigorously those perpetrating the violence. As Breitbart reported...........To Read More

My Take - First off, I watch no television news. Secondly, Fox news has become a disgrace, a virtual fever swamp of leftist fumes, and I stopped watching it long ago. Mostly because of Bill O’Reilly. I found him to be a self-serving lying egocentric. That was before everyone else recognized how bad he was. 

Juan Williams has always been an comrade of leftist intellect for as long as he's been on the air. Meaning he spouts blather filled with logical fallacies and false information. It makes me happy to see Greg Gutfeld put him in his place. 

The other conservatives on The Five, ….well….. some aren’t really conservative. Worse yet, they all certainly give the impression of being invertebrates. 

Donna Brazile, is equally as bad. Take away the logical fallacies, emotion baiting, false narrative, red herrings and delusional spouts of irrational thinking and she wouldn't be able to talk at all. 

There are only Four shows worth watching and they involve, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine, and Laura Ingraham, and they're not always right, but at least they believe what they're saying and are prepared to factually defend it without fallacious thinking. 

However, I never see their shows either because I simply refuse to watch television news.  When it comes to news: If I can’t read it, I don’t want it. 

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