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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Democratic Corruption, Not Racism, Ruined Baltimore

By  | August 4th, 2019

President Trump was absolutely right to suggest Representative Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) spend more time in his home district in Maryland, which includes most of Baltimore. What credibility can Cummings have as chairman of a congressional oversight committee when his own city, Baltimore, is corrupt, crime ridden, and a testament to failed Democratic governance and failed oversight?

Where was Cummings, during his 23 years (and counting) as a congressman, as Baltimore became one of the most dangerous cities in America? And rather than launching a tweetstorm of commentary (mostly retweets, actually) accusing President Trump of racism, why doesn’t Cummings admit that Democratic politicians have failed Baltimore?............

King Elijah, along with the rest of the Democratic Party, are explicitly to blame for the destruction of the family, failed public education, and rampant crime that plague African Americans in Baltimore and other major cities.

If King Elijah truly cared about his constituents, he would call for a complete overhaul of welfare policies that provide benefits without sufficient preconditions, he would call for the abolition of teachers unions, and he would support the type of broken windows policing that rescued New York City.

Don’t hold your breath........To Read More.....

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