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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Secular Theology of the Green New Deal

March 1, 2019 By Nicholas J. Kaster

A quote attributed to C.S. Lewis stated: “Once people stop believing in God, the problem is not that they will believe in nothing; rather, the problem is that they will believe anything.”

Today, among secular leftists, radical environmentalism has attained the status of theology and their catechism is the “Green New Deal.”  A wish list framed as a set of policy proposals, the Green New Deal demands the obliteration of our nation's energy infrastructure as expiation for our sin of material prosperity and requires faith that something will come along to replace it...........In other words,........“it's an impossible fantasy that would require tax collections at least three times higher than today.” Yet, as of this writing more than 70 Democrats in the House, and a dozen in the Senate have signed on to this lunacy........

Forced to defend the particulars, many of its supporters retreat into the defense that its a “conversation” starter. But since the Green New Deal is based on the assertion by its chief proponent that the planet has only twelve years to survive, it’s a conversation that could only take place inside an insane asylum. The Green New Deal specifically excludes an expansion of nuclear power, so it’s unrealistic even on its own terms.

The radical environment agenda is not public policy, its dogma...........environmentalism has morphed into a quasi-religion, complete with heresies and predictions of the apocalypse............And the delusion is fed by the corrupt universities.............Read more

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