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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Where’s the Beef, Mueller?

The Cohen guilty plea doesn’t get him any closer to collusion.
George Neumayr November 30, 2018
The Mueller investigation remains a “collusion” probe without any collusion. For all of the media’s heavy breathing about Thursday’s news of a Michael Cohen guilty plea, it doesn’t get Mueller any closer to the stated goal of his investigation.
On CNN, where its programming is an endless game of anti-Trump gotcha, Jeff Zucker’s puppets recited his mandated talking point that Trump’s fixer “may” have “broken” everything, blah, blah, blah.
But the very conjectural character of this feverish chatter indicated the hollowness of the story. If the plea contained any evidence of collusion, the Hillary donors who make up much of Mueller’s staff would surely have leaked it to CNN by now.
One can only laugh at the sheer propagandistic absurdity of CNN’s “timeline” of “possible” Trump-Russian collusion, which naturally still includes the thoroughly debunked claim that Trump’s aides “weakened” the GOP platform to please Putin. It is one of the media’s favorite fables, which was concocted by the Washington Post, with the help of hawkish dingbats and NeverTrumpers. But as the Washington Examiner’s Byron York has shown repeatedly, the platform’s plank on Russia was strengthened, not weakened.............Mueller is the ruling class’s battering ram against Trump, but with each fruitless (impeachment-wise) indictment he reveals that he has got nothing. A determined prosecutor, as the saying goes, can indict a ham sandwich. All Mueller got on Thursday was a lawyer full of baloney, on yet another process crime meaningless to Mueller’s actual mandate...........To Read More.....

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