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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 21, 2018

Environmental Protection Agency Gives $45,000 Grant to Help Non-Profit Build Sea Turtle-Shaped Trash Can

Christian Britschgi Dec. 12, 2018

On December 4, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $2.57 million in grants to environmental nonprofit groups in New York and Connecticut working to clean up Long Island Sound. The recipients include the Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), whose "Going Strawless to Save the Sea Turtle" campaign received $45,000 in federal cash……….."The waste receptacle is viewed as a creative and targeted strategy [to] educate the general public, and especially youth about the negative impact of plastic debris on the living resources and recreational uses of Long Island Sound," the NFWF said in a statement to Reason………….Needless to say, $45,000 in federal spending is not going to break the bank. And while I am critical of the focus on plastic straws, CCE's plans for a voluntary coastal clean up are laudable. Nevertheless, federal taxpayers should not be on the hook for such projects………To Read More…

My Take - Admittedly, when you see the amount of money the federal government wastes this is chump change.  But we've been told the EPA can't perform one of it's core responsibilities of registering pesticides without budget increases of tens of millions of dollars.  If that's so then why are they spending all this money on a "garbage" can?  In my house if I'm having budget issues, I don't spend money I don't have.  It's called "budgeting", where you prioritize your spending based on what's necessary and what's not. 

The EPA is in dire need of lessons in "budgeting" in order to "prioritize" it's responsibilities, and I think I have a solution.  Eliminate all the EPA regional offices.  That can be done as a budget issue, and the savings would probably be stunningly remarkable.  That actions would also help the economy by eliminating a bunch of green misfits from the public payroll and stop these people who have nothing better to do and sit around and conceive of and implement insane regulations. 

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