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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Britain’s Treaty of Versailles

Iain Murray November 28, 2018

“Vote leave, take control” was the slogan of the “leave” campaign during the run-up to the vote on whether the United Kingdom should exit the European Union. With 17 million people voting in favor, it is impossible to say whether the vote was primarily about issues like immigration, the fishing industry, or others. Given the slogan, however, it is possible to say that every one of those voters wanted to “take control” of future lawmaking from Brussels. Despite this, British Prime Minister Theresa May has negotiated a deal with the European Union that actually cedes further control over British law to the EU, and has given the EU a veto over Britain extracting itself from the deal. The deal makes Britain a vassal state of the EU.

For a thorough explanation of just how bad this deal is, I recommend Martin Howe QC’s thorough treatment at the Spectator (registration required), and his further examination of the deal’s “political declaration.” A shorter version of the article on the declaration appeared in the Sunday Telegraph under the title “May’s capitulations are catastrophically incompetent.” A hundred years after the original, May’s deal could be a new Treaty of Versailles—except that Britain did not have to lose a war to be subjected to such humiliating terms............To Read More....

My Take - I've been posting articles about Bexit for some time and for the most part I've not expressed my views on the subject, although I'm philosophically in favor it dumping the EU with it's insane ideas.  I've seen articles saying this is going to be a disaster for Britain and articles that say in the long run Britain will benefit.  Which view is right?  I can't say because I'm simply not knowledgeable enough about the details of Britain's economic problems, other than their socialist programs have put them in a situation where they can't possibly survive any major worldwide economic downturn. whether they re members of the EU  or not. 

However, my view about these pundits is - I don't think they're knowledgeable enough either.  It seems to me that everything being said is all about speculation, guesswork and ideology. 

Personally I think the EU is doomed within five to ten years and I'm inclined to think closer to the five year mark.  So, that leaves the question: How could that possibly be a good thing for Britain? 

All the Western European nations are clearly doomed economically, and demographically.  That leaves the Eastern European nations as viable national entities, and they're already in major fights with these unelected dictators in the EU bureaucracy, and it appears they're not willing to bend the knee to the EU. 

Another question that needs to be asked is why Prime Minister May's actions and the actions of Britain's business elite aren't considered treasonous? 

One more thing.  Parliament still has to ratify this agreement.  We'll see!

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