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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, December 3, 2018

A Little Bit of Sole: Holy Relics of the Left’s Civil Religion

By | November 25th, 2018

Writing not to espouse the Enlightenment but to attack it, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau became the poisonous font of the intellectual cesspool that is modern “progressivism.” That Rousseau’s belief humanity must regress to its supposed uncorrupted “state of nature” forms the basis of “progressivism” is an irony lost upon the Left, largely because they have little time to plumb the depths of their ideological roots while they’re busy saving the planet from climate change or destroying democracy to save it from Donald Trump.

If the Left did have time, though, it would see how well they have been unwittingly implementing Rousseau’s prescriptions for losing civilization’s chains and reverting us into “noble savages.”

After all, what is “political correctness” but Rousseau’s “civil religion”? The civil religion is what an individual must believe over and above any other beliefs; and, of course, no other beliefs may expect to be tolerated if they contradict said civil religion. If one is found to hold such contrary beliefs, society’s ruling elite will “correct” the offender; and, if political reeducation fails, the individual will be “forced to be free”—i.e., imprisoned and/or killed.

On a host of progressive tenets, the virulence with which the Left attacks anyone who disagrees with them mirrors how Inquisitors treated alleged heretics: after being tortured, the victim can “confess” and painfully “atone” (sometimes including death); or deny the charge and certainly be further tortured then burned at the stake.............To Read More.....

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