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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The 'D' in DACA must stand for derangement

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

On Tuesday, President Trump made a very thoughtful decision about DACA. He could have let DACA die in the courts, specially if it went back to a Supreme Court with Justice Neil Gorsuch. We recall a 4-4 decision that kept the lower rulings intact. He could have rescinded it and gone to play golf. Or he could have rescinded it but kept open a window for Congress to visit the "dreamers" story. He chose the third option and the left has gone "loco" or crazy in Spanish.......Last, but not least, it was President Obama's lawlessness, not President Trump's decision, that put these youngsters in this situation. ...... More

Trump’s Repeal of DACA May Become GOP’s Worst Nightmare

Steven Rosenfield, Salon, September 6, 2017 43 Comments

The long-term consequences of Trump’s DACA move have yet to appear. But there is a strong precedent that more than suggests Trump has crossed a line and the GOP is poised to lose Latino voters, the nation’s fastest-growing population, and that will help push the party from power. That precedent is California’s Proposition 187, a 1994 law that never took effect, but which barred visa-less immigrants from receiving state welfare benefits. The GOP-backed law energized non-whites to push the GOP into political exile in the nation’s most populous state.........
My Take - It's heart warming to see someone from this leftist publication being so concerned about Republicans.  Isn't it?


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