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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 7, 2017

North Korea Admits Being Ready to Initiate EMP Attack on U.S.

By Andrew West September 6, 2017

Much of the concern surrounding North Korea’s nuclear program has come in the form of doom and gloom predictions about their ability to get an ICBM all the way to the continental United States. That threshold was apparently crossed in two missile tests that occurred in July, experts say.  The next step would be the miniaturization of the rogue regime’s nuclear weapons, another hurdle that the North Korean military claimed to have eclipsed just this week with the testing of a purported hydrogen bomb that was capable of being mated with one of the country’s newest rockets.

Now, however, an old threat has resurfaced thanks in part to a report by North Korean news agencies regarding the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon, or EMP, to cripple U.S. infrastructure.........To Read More

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