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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, September 8, 2017

Meet the Republican who Called All Trump Supporters Racist

 By Gary DeMar September 7, 2017

The swamp is thick with this one. Bruce Bartlett served as a Treasury official under President George H. W. Bush and domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan. Bartlett shared on his Facebook page that “100%” of President Donald Trump supporters are “racists.” Why would he say this? I suspect that he has not been invited to any of the posh parties put on by the GOP Establishment and their Democrat partners in political crimes against the American people. If you want to be invited to the soirees paid for by lobbyist money, you need to know the right words that open the doors. And what are they? “Trump is a racist and so are his supporters.” ........To Read More...

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