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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 4, 2017

Leftists Dump Columbus, Celebrate Aztecs Instead

By Gary DeMar September 3, 2017

The Social Justice Warriors are on the march. They’ve just attacked a bronze statue of Christopher Columbus in Yonkers, New York. It was found beheaded. A Columbus statue in Baltimore was vandalized. “New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is currently reviewing a statue of the explorer at Columbus Circle as part of a larger look into racist monuments in the city.” (Axios) Here’s a curious fact about Columbus Circle. “Columbus Circle … is the point from which all official distances from New York City are measured.” I learned this from watching the film Columbus Circle. If the statues of Christopher Columbus have to go, what about the cities named after the explorer? .........To Read More.....

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