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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Collegiate Liberal Lunacy Takes Toll on University Finances

By Andrew West September 2, 2017

The radical left’s invasion of America’s college campuses has taken its toll on academia in a number of surprising ways. What began in earnest back in February at the University of California at Berkeley has spread to even the most far flung corners of American academia in recent months. The incident in question, in which a violent group of radical leftists rioted throughout campus and beyond to force the cancellation of a speech by conservative author Milo Yiannopolous, set a terrifying new precedent for the ways in which the liberal world would come to combat free speech.

The democrats have come to realize that their only hope for survival rests in indoctrinating our nation’s college-aged youth.  By getting in before the completion of their education, liberals and leftists can be easily converted from true neutral political observers between the ages of 18 and 22 – a fact that the democrats have come to rely on during elections.  That is precisely why the left spends so much time and effort to infiltrate these campuses and plant the seeds of liberalism. 

Now, however, the universities who have been caught capitulating to the radical left are feeling the hurt where it affects them the most:  In their wallets......To Read More....

My Take - Once more - we need to stop funding this institutions.  Make them all become for profit institutions surviving or dying on the quality of what they have to offer.  End the student loan system - it's a disaster leaving these kids with massive debt and in many cases degrees that are worthless or will not generate the kind of income that will allow them to pay this debt off.  And - that will end this insanity of having to pay 30, 40, 50 and 60 thousand dollar a year tuitions.

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