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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, September 8, 2017

Cartoon of the Day

My Take - One of the things that surprised me a few years ago was the position of the  U.S. Chamber of Commerce on illegal immigration. They clearly wanted no one to stop it.  They didn't come out directly and say it, but their actions made it clear they like the idea because illegals offer lowered costs.   
Previously I had the view - one in which I think I shared with the majority - the Chamber was conservative in it's perception of reality.  Wrong!  The Chamber is the cat's paw of big business - which overall is neither conservative or liberal.  Big business is a bottom line, how much money can we make right now cabal - and aren't concerned about the long term consequences.  And they will turn on a dime if that means profits. 
We see CEO's who are clearly conservative and those who are clearly liberal.  They continue in those jobs because they're the owners or hold enough stock to keep that job no matter the direction the tide is turning. But in most corporations that's not the case, and if the tide turns against them - they're gone, and the corporation will flow with the tide. 
I find this true in my own industry.   I find this unalterably true.  Manufactures are - at best - leaky vessels as allies.
Thomas Sowell once observed there are those who row with the tide and those who row against the tide.  But eventually the tide turns and guess who will be in the lead?  The key isn't being on the left or the right - it's being on the right side. 
Leftism is now and has always been an abject failure, so anything promoted by leftists, socialists, communists, liberals, progressives, Democrats, RINO's like John McCain and John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, Hollywood, academia, the main stream media, big unions, big government, and far too often big business - are most likely wrong.  That's the gift they offer to humanity, making it easier to come to the right conclusion.  Why?  If they're  for it - you should be against it, at least until further information is made available.  

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