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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Stupidity of Hillary

The difference between Hill and Bill?  Bill was smart

Bruce Walker

Few serious people doubt the dishonesty of Hillary and Bill Clinton.  Both lie all the time about almost everything, the petty as well as the important.  Few serious people doubt the shameless self-promotion, the naked avarice, the depthless lust for power and privilege of these two crooks.  There is, however, one fundamental difference between William Jefferson Clinton and Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.  Bill was smart, and Hillary is stupid.

References to this fact have popped up again and again in emails and related correspondence within Hillary's inner circle.  She often seems confused, her close aides tell each other.  She often forgets things.  While she can do well in rehearsed performances by parroting the same line over and over again, the same is not true when Hillary is required to think independently and make decisions that are not dull dogmatic repetitions of political cant..........More

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