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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 17, 2015

GMO patent controversy: Terminator genes, seed piracy and ‘forcing’ farmers to buy seeds

Layla Katiraee | December 14, 2015 |

This is the first of three posts examining the topic of GMOs and patents. As the first post in the series, I’ll provide an overview on the topic of patents and will describe the concept of “terminator genes”; the second post will examine a few high-profile lawsuits brought against farmers for using GM seeds, and the final post will examine whether there have been cases of lawsuits brought against farmers due to inadvertent contamination......Some transgenic crops are coming off patent (which basically means that a patent has expired). Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready Soy Bean came off patent late last year, and became the first open-source or generic GMO. Karl Haro von Mogel wrote about the implications of this event in this blog post.........To Read More.....

Monsanto is accused by its critics of unfairly targeting farmers who 'mistakenly' reuse their patented seeds. Two cases have reached High Courts. Here's what really happened.

Advocacy groups that encourage consumers to avoid sugar derived from GE sugar beets target small, farmer-owned businesses.


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