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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 5, 2012

Another False Alarm – ‘The Dying of the Trees’

Seventeen years ago, back in 1995, a book called The Dying of the Trees: The Pandemic in America’s Forests appeared. It was written by Charles E. Little, who is described on the back cover as a “veteran environmentalist.” Inside, a brief bio tells us he “worked for thirty years in the environmental field.”
The preface of the book declares:“the trees are dying everywhere, including everywhere in the United States of America.” [page ix]
…… despite all his research and all his anxiety, Charles Little had no ability to predict the future as it would appear even 12 years later.  To Read More….. 
My Take - Going back to The Great Cranberry Scare of 1959, which was the forrunner of all these scares....even earlier than Rachel Carson's Silent Spring; although Silent Spring set the patter thereafter; these scares have all turned out to be nonsense.  Whether it was DD or global warming, they all predicted massive disasters, they all had tipping points or a sort and they all turned out to be wrong.  Is it any wonder the public is suffering from green fatigue?  There is one downside to this.  Some day a real disaster will occur....and no one will listen. 

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