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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

By —— Bio and Archives--April 12, 2020

As the world begins a second month of lockdown in response to the nightmare known as the coronavirus, it is essential to examine how this mess developed and how we return to some semblance of normalcy.

As part of the quest for truth, the three types of lies must be identified: lies, damned lies and statistics.
It is a lie that COVID-19 assuredly originated at some wet market in Wuhan, China. The media and most of the scientific and medical communities are holding to that theory; however, we do not know definitively. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials were not allowed into China to investigate the virus in the early stages. The communist Chinese government is notorious for lying and mistreating both its citizens and outsiders, so their statements verifying the wet market origins of the virus cannot be trusted.

Obviously, the communist Chinese had an interest in creating world havoc. At the time the virus began to spread, there were pollution protests in Wuhan and anti-government protests in Hong Kong. Not coincidentally, both of those protests have ended with the coronavirus lockdown.

Under pressure from United States President Donald Trump, China was forced to accept tariffs on their goods and a new trade deal that was fair, but not unduly favorable to their country. Trump was the first U.S. President in decades to stand up to the Chinese communists and advocate for the American taxpayer.

Sadly, with the pandemic, the United States economy has been severely impacted. This result may very well please the communist Chinese government. During the last four weeks, only essential businesses have been able to operate. With a massive increase of 16.6 million unemployed workers, a gargantuan explosion of the national debt and a historic drop in the stock market, the once solid economy is very shaky...........To Read More.....

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