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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus and Our Media Losers

By Rich Kozlovich

Today Thomas Lifson posted this article, It’s come to this: CNN’s Brian Stelter tweets about crawling in bed and crying over pandemic, saying:
When the going gets tough, some crawl in bed and cry, and then share their feelings with a many people as possible.
It turns out Brian Stelter, [who is Brian Stelter by the way?] felt an overwhelming desire to share with the world that he:
crawled in bed and cried for our pre-pandemic lives. Tears that had been waiting a month to escape. I wanted to share because it feels freeing to do so. Now is not a time for faux-invincibility. Journos are living this, hating this, like everyone else.
Lifson apparently thought this must be a hoax and made sure to check it out and  – yup – he crawled into bed and let his much earned tears to flow. Wow! Now that’s really....really.....wellllll…I think it best to let Lifson define this for us.
There are lots of words for such types, but none of them connote strength, much less heroism in the face of adversity………Modern journalists, no more essential to life than scripted narrative engineers dancing as puppets on strings in boxes, are inconsequential. The true American story is not built upon celebrity; but rather grit, callouses and dirty fingernails. Farmers, truck drivers, stock clerks and supermarket cashiers are essentially …dancing puppets, not so much.

Facing this reality a generation of pathetically soft and feeble sorts; lemmings from the spine-harvesting indoctrination machines that turn bone into jelly-fish membrane; collapse as they recognize just how pathetic they are. Inconsequential gnats carrying a life-skill as useful as sand in the Sahara. Desperate and yearning for someone, anyone, to reaffirm their importance, the miserable and pitiful harbingers of irrelevance cry out in a desperate quest for meaning. Please forgive my frank and direct response, but apparently someone needs to call the baby ugly.
Whew, now that's profound and provocative, I love it!

I wonder if he hugged his Teddy bear, before dropping off into a sob racking sleep?

As I read this I saw this cartoon and thought it really is appropriate to show just how clueless are these talking heads who have now assumed the mantel of medical experts telling us because of coronavirus we're doomed, doomed I tell you, and it's Trump's fault.

Not to mention we're doomed unless we adopt socialized medicine, and how we need to love that corrupt outcropping of the United Nations known as the World Health Organization.

They're geopolitical experts telling us Trump is a racist for not treating China fairly by blaming them for this virus.  Then when it turns out Trump was right, he's a fault for not doing  something about China before this.

That's the beauty of their expertise - everything is flexable - that way they're always right, and since they refuse to see or hear anything that contradicts them - they must be right. 

They're now economic experts telling us we need more taxes and more spending, and debt is good. Scientific experts who've tried to convince the world Global Warming is our doom.  Pesticides are our doom. Fossil fuels are our doom. Traditional farming practices are our doom? A lack of diversity is our doom. As I said, they're flexible, except for the number one doom in their arsenal of dooms.  Re-electing Donald Trump is absolutely and definitely our doom.

Oops, there I go again.  I thought coronavirus was our doom? Well, as I said, they're flexible in all these predictions of doom, except re-electing Donald Trump or course. That's a religious tenet, and that must be embraced, right along with their Teddy bears when they cry themselves to sleep.

Not a pretty picture of the media, except for this one all important fact.  Just like the environmentalists and their unending predictions of doom, they almost have a monopoly on being wrong.

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