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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 17, 2020

De Omnibus Dubitandum: Is Coronavirus Teaching America to Question Everything!

By Rich Kozlovich

First of all, I want to state that my personal motto is De Omnibus Dubitandum, which is supposed to be the motto of science, and should be the motto of all jouranlists, commentators and politicians everywhere.  It means "everything is to be questioned", or shortened to "question everything", and I do, so I see the world just a little differently than just about everyone else.

That's not a pleasant existence by the way.  It's so much nicer, and easier, to be popular and go along to get along.  That's not been possible for me.  Must be the Serbian in me.

At any rate, I've said this to highlight an article that appeared today,  April 17, 2020 by Jack Hellner entitled, Spot the real heartlessness, who says:  We get it: the mainstream media and other Democrats want you to hate President Trump. They see him as mean, among many other faults.  But they need to look in the mirror to find real heartlessness.  For example, Joe Scarborough states that Trump has no sympathy for victims of the coronavirus as he campaigns for Biden:   
Joe Scarborough's Bowing, Scraping Question to Biden: CanYou Talk About People's Pain? I want to ask you, Mr. Vice President, to talk to the people who are hurting and suffering right now. Willie and Mika and I were talking earlier about what a shame it is that right now in the middle of a pandemic where over 30,000 people have died, hundreds of thousands have been impacted and are suffering right now, either by this disease or being out of work. They don't have a national leader that can express sympathy. Could you talk to them as a man who's endured loss and tell them what's on your mind right now, and how you understand what they're going through?
The author goes on to innumerate all the very real pain the Democrats have either ignored or imposed on the world by asking: 
Hey Joe, do you think a fully developed baby that Democrats let die has pain and suffering? Where is your empathy for that human being? When you and Obama allowed the terrorist to maim and kill thousands to appease the tyrants from Iran did that cause pain? Did you have empathy for those who died and were maimed or were you more concerned about a legacy?   
When Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi and then lie continually, including to the families of those who died did that cause pain? Didn’t it appear that Obama and Hillary were more concerned about getting reelected than having empathy for the families of those who died.   
When you and Obama refused to give Ukraine weapons, to appease Putin, did that cause death and pain? Did you have empathy for those who died.   
Why did you threaten to cut off aid from Ukraine if they didn’t stoop an investigation into a corrupt company where your son got millions for a no show job when he had no qualifications, other than being your son, for the job?   
Did you cause great death and pain when you trusted Putin to monitor Assad's use of chemical weapons?...........There's more here.
You know, these people absolutely fascinate me.  I keep wondering - do they really say this leftist crap privately.  And my conclusion?  Yes, they do! 

When people I know spew out this babble I know why because I know them.  I know they're really uninformed and misinformed, and they like it that way.   They've never read a history book, they don't "question everything", they don't research anything.  They want to be a part of the social narrative of the moment.  They want to be part of the herd, which is actually a normal human social paradigm.

But the fact remains, most people have no idea what they're talking about a large part of the time, nor do they have the courage to be a rock in the current.   They listen to the news and since it's on TV, it must be true, and actually believe they're well informed.

And what is their truth?  Trump isn't doing anything, he's a racist, we're all going to die because of him, and we need to bring back the Democrats to the Senate and the White House.    They just "know" that's the truth!  They heard it on TV. Mila and Joe told them so! 

But here's the kicker.  All these people out here are fundamentally ignorant, that at least is an excuse, it means they just don't know, but ignorance is fixable by learning.  But Joe, Mila, Willie - whoever he is - and the rest of the leftist media are at the center of the information world, they have no excuse.  They have to know better.  They have to know it's all lies, distortion and smear campaigns.  If they don't it means they're not only stupid, they're lazy and incompetent, which I think is the majority of them.  If they do, and they keep spouting out these lies, then they're neither lazy or incompetent.  They're stupid and corrupt.  Which I believe is a minority, but an important minority driving these media lemmings who lack the courage and the fortitude to "question everything"!  Or for that matter, to question anything.

Well, there are times when I get so frustrated that I almost hope they'd get their wish and let these leftist loons take over the country permanently.  Thinking, "that’ll fix em"!  There's only one problem with that.  It would "fix" the sane people in this nation also.  Not a pretty picture is it?

De Omnibus Dubitandum!  It's time everyone started to question everything.   Everyone can start by reading a history book occasionally. 

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