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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The defining characteristic of the left? Cruel intolerance

April 23, 2020 By Patricia McCarthy

“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones, a Democrat, has just resigned from his office. He said he is “leaving the plantation.” Why? Because he expressed his support for President Trump. He believed that Trump’s policies have benefitted blacks, includingTrump's support for black colleges and prison reform. He was even brave enough to express the truth that it is Joe Biden who has long supported racist policies.

What did he get for his courage and honesty? Vicious harassment by his fellow Democrats. So he has stepped down.

The left does not tolerate straying from the prescribed ideological position of the party; they are Maoist, Stalinist in every way. Intolerance is their decree. Deviate from the party line? Expect personal destruction. That is how the left rolls. It is their way or no way. How else can we explain Pelosi’s dragging out impeachment as she did, and dragging out the relief bill for small businesses in the wake of the economic lockdown? Pelosi wants what she wants when she wants it and couldn't care less for the millions of Americans devasted by her intransigence. Her fellow authoritarians like AOC are ecstatic at the current state of affairs. They are celebrating the loss of 22 million jobs.

These people are not only intolerant, they are barbaric. They actually believe, and so operate according to their creed, that their political power depends on human misery. The more misery then can create, the more power they can procure and use to control us all. Sabotage the economy? It’s all to the good. It should be clearer to all Americans by now that the left is the most dangerous enemy of America. Obama set out to transform the U.S. as founded. The furious left of today has lost all sense of reason. They love the virus. They see it as their path to absolute power...........To Read More....

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