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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

These Damn ‘Computer Models’ are Going to Kill Us!


Somehow, in the deep recesses of my once very analytical mind lurks this troubling thought: We Americans are being conditioned to become herd animals à la George Orwell’s Animal House. I can’t shake it.

Our daily lives are constantly filled with media driven turmoil, now it’s about a deadly Chinese virus I haven’t seen but only heard about. “Experts” claim X number of thousands of Americans will die because of it; that we should avoid personal contact, shut down our daily lives, turn into hermits and only venture forth when we need to buy groceries and only whilst wearing an approved face mask and our pocket filled with dispensers of hand sanitizers.

Yet, I recently viewed a home made video of what NY Mayor DeBlasio said was one of the busiest hospitals in Brooklyn, with no activity at all visible at the emergency entrances, no citizens queuing up at the testing tent provided and no ambulance or police activity at all. So, what’s going on? We’re being scared to death by experts with their damn computer models.
The “Experts” rely on computer models to advance BS theories on the ‘probable’ numbers of casualties and deaths we’re doomed to face because of this pandemic.
Wasn’t it ‘Al Gore’s’ computer models that predicted the end of the earth in twelve year, twenty years ago, because of Global Warming? And yet, the earth is in fact cooling.........To Read More...

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