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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Equation That Explains Evil

Dennis Prager Sep 10, 2019

Our age loves scientific equations. Here's one you weren't taught at college but which affects you as much as the law of gravity:
GI - W = E   
Good Intentions (GI) minus Wisdom (W) leads to Evil (E).
You weren't taught this rule at college because the modern university believes only science has rules. "Rules of life" is another term for wisdom, and there is no wisdom -- or even pursuit of wisdom -- at our universities. Life has rules just like the natural sciences do. Examples include:
  • Ingratitude makes happiness impossible.
  • Corrupt people think everyone else is as corrupt as they are.
  • Human nature is not basically good.
  • Feelings are far less important than actions.
  • Most men need a woman to mature.
  • Most women need a man to mature.
The list is long. And the more life rules people know and live by the better people they'll be -- the better the world will be................ Communism, the greatest mass murder ideology in history, was for almost all its rank-and-file supporters rooted in their desire to do good. (This was rarely true for its leaders, whose greatest desire was power.).................. The problem with communists and with leftists who don't consider themselves communists is not that none of them mean well. It's that they lack wisdom. There are wise and foolish liberals, wise and foolish conservatives; but all leftists are fools............To Read More.....

My Take - Dennis Prager has been one of my favorite writers for many years, but this piece is one of his best.  "They mean well" isn't an acceptable excuse any longer because we have so much history that shows what they want is disastrous.  We now know better, and so now, tt's time to call for an accounting.

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