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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Oversight Republicans Demand Details on Dems’ Covert Activities in Mexico

Debra Heine  - September 9th, 2019

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are demanding answers from Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) following accusations that House Democrats have been involved in “coaching” migrants in Mexico on how to exploit U.S. immigration law.  Democrat staffers have taken a series of trips to Mexico in recent weeks, ostensibly to tour border detention facilities...............

“What we believe is happening is Veronica Escobar’s office is going … to basically second-guess and obstruct work already done by the Border Patrol,” a senior official with the National Border Patrol Council told the Examiner back in July.

The union official shared with the Examiner evidence of Escobar’s meddling provided by concerned U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Protection (CBP) managers and rank-and-file members. According to one CPB official, Escobar’s team had sought interviews with 6,000 people who were returned in June..........To Read More....

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