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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

‘Bolshevik Bernie’ the First Jewish American President?

You know you are in trouble when you need an Anti-Semite to speak to your Jewish creds

By —— Bio and Archives--September 9, 2019

Leave it to radical political activist Linda Sarsour to try to pass ‘independent’ Vermont Senator, ‘Father of the ‘Squad’’ Bernie Sanders off as “the first Jewish American president this country has ever seen.”  In Sanders’ own words, he is “proud to be Jewish” but “is not very religious.”  That would be akin to saying, ‘I married my wife, but I don’t really love her’.............

Sarsour crawled out from under her rock, emerging as a campaign surrogate for Sanders in recent days, speaking as a booster for the 74-year-old, loopy senator at a Friday Brooklyn rally............The surrogacy of Sarsour for Sanders tells a much bigger story of where the Democrats are............. Sanders is about as “independent” as Karl Marx was.........To Read More.....

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