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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 19, 2019

Statistician on a mission to end inequality in the U.S. finds the answer in 'fathers,' 'intact families' and 'social capital'

August 18, 2019 By Monica Showalter

The Atlantic features a marvelous and compelling profile of an Indian-American economist and statistician, Raj Chetty, on a mission to end inequality in the U.S.

It's a long, long read, and this being The Atlantic, I expected this would be another profile of one of the gee-whiz, Obama-era hipsterly types, the kind who came up with the theory of the "nudge" to entice low-information voters to choose socialist things on store shelves, or else one of those Democratic Party language manipulators such as this guy

Another Obama wiz-bang, whiz-kid. Even more suggestive of the trend, the guy comes from south India, the Tamil-Nadu part, which is a very socialist part  (not far from Kamala Harris's family's part, which gives you the flavor) and from a broader culture that places more value in collecting degrees and obtaining do-nothing government satrapies than actually producing things of value. Not a promising start. Less promising still, he was the kind of guy who got a lot of awards from the Ford Foundation types and academia, pillars of the far-left establishment as their fair-haired boy, so I wasn't optimistic -- here's his string of honors described by The Atlantic:.............To Read More...

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