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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Our Descent Into Darkness

By | August 8th, 2019|
With each mass shooting perpetrated in our society upon wholly innocent men, women and children, the Marxist Democrat propaganda arm, feigning faux outrage, immediately points the boney finger of blame at Donald Trump. Why? Because they have nothing left in their quiver and he has them beat in the public arena with the truth and logic.
Americans are becoming inured to the shock that is now the too frequent indiscriminate murders in public places of American citizens. The loony reactions of the media to these bloody events is convincing Americans that they cannot be trusted because we now know they lie, obfuscate, hide the truth, report out of context the truths, and are in fact, the most complicit agency in leading Americas Descent into Darkness. Why does the media not care about the mass daily killings in Chicago, Baltimore and other Liberal American cities or the murders of babies in the daily gross lots? Just asking!
It’s a last act of desperation for an industry that openly took sides in the political war that will decide America’s future, and tried to hide it. They are leading our descent into a life that will be one of misery and despair, a la Venezuela and Cuba, while attacking Trump who is polishing up the “Shining City on the Hill” image of Ronald Reagan............To Read More.....


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