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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hong Kong teeters on the edge of a mass slaughter

August 4, 2019 By Thomas Lifson

While Americans are focusing on two horrible mass shootings in our country, the situation in Hong Kong is getting downright scary. The people there have been officially warned that troops will fire upon them, via a video posted to the official social media account of the People’s Liberation Army portraying PLA troops shooting at rioters.........To Read More....

My Take - And what exactly does the NYT think America should do about it?  Let's face it, Xi doesn't  care what anyone thinks.  If he starts shooting people down in Hong Kong's streets it will further impact his economy negatively.  He knows that.  He also knows that if Hong Kong independence becomes a focal point for the rest of China's society he could find himself in trouble, and out of power.  That's his real focus. Keeping himself and his tyrannical political machine in control.  He doesn't care what you call it either. 

Call it communism, socialism or whatever you wish to call his government, it's his government, and he intends to make sure it remains his government having turned himself into another Mao.  He doesn't care how many people he has to kill, he doesn't care if a failing economy causes starvation any more than N. Korea's lunatic leadership cares about their starving masses. He cares only about the one thing all leftist dictators care about.  How to get and hold power. 

Will the international community respond to mass violence against Hong Kong residents negatively? Not much more than token jabbering.

Recently China has come out and decided that forcing Muslims in China to eat pork and drink alcohol will prevent terrorism. Both alcohol and pork consumption are proscribed by the Koran. What was the world's response? Sixteen Muslim nations decided it was just fine, including Turkey's leader Ergogan, who decided his economic relationship with China was far more important than some silly law in the Koran. Now if women were to start refusing to wear the hijab in Iran, then that would require big prison sentences. But Muslims forced to eat pork and drink alcohol in China, wellllllll.....what's the big deal?

Twenty two countries sent a letter to the United Nations condemning this action by the Chinese government, but they were incapable of getting one Muslim controlled nation to sign on to the letter. If he can get Muslims to agree that forcing other Muslims to disobey the Koran, he believes he can get the rest of the world to ignore any mass slaughter his troops carry out in Hong Kong. 

What did the world do when China forced Christians to replace Jesus pictures with images of Mao and Xi Jinping? Nothing!

What did the world do when China decided it should pick China's Catholic Bishops? Nothing!  Why?  The Pope signed off on it.  Irrespective of the fact it was "both a violation of the Church’s own canon law and a prescription for a puppet episcopate".  The world did nothing. 

China will crack down on Hong Kong irrespective of any international kick back.  The only negative for the Chinese government is Hong Kong will never again be the cash generator for China it is now, and the reason why is this crackdown will be the ultimate slippery slope to same kind of total control they exert in the mainland. 

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