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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Purblind Press Fails To See The Real Trump

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun | August 10, 2019

The Globe and Mail's commentators on political events in Washington have, like the rest of the Canadian press, completely missed the story. So have most of the American press, which the Canadian media witlessly parrot, but President Trump ran against the American media and won. 

He demonstrated that they were complicit in all the economic and strategic blunders of the George W. Bush and Obama years: the Great Recession, the endless Mideast wars and humanitarian disasters, 20 million illegal and unskilled immigrants and a flat-lined “new normal” economy. GDP growth per capita declined from 4.5% in the Reagan years to 1% under President Obama.

This president ran against every part of the political establishment of both parties including especially the national press, whom he has rendered almost irrelevant by using social media and dominating the talk-radio circuit. The traditional press, whose Trump-hating excrescences are inflicted on Canadian readers and viewers have, to their towering chagrin, almost no influence in the U.S..............Continue Reading    

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