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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 13, 2019

EU Is Britain's Biggest Failure Since George III

By Conrad Black, Special to the Sun | July 12, 2019

The long nightmare of Britain's relations with the European Union, the greatest failing of British government since the American Revolution, is finally coming to a climax. The flamboyant former mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is almost certain to be the next leader of the British Conservative Party and prime minister.

The crisis began when former prime minister David Cameron promised “full-on treaty change” and came back from Brussels with less than Neville Chamberlain brought back from Munich. He had promised a referendum offering his almost imperceptibly altered treaty or a complete break, Brexit it is called, certain that his countrymen could not possibly vote to leave Europe. If he had brought back May’s eventual proposal, voters would have approved it...........To Read More...

My Take - Finally, someone who sees and articulates this clearly.  The EU was always going to have serious problems, and their solutions were always the same. Irrationally imposed mandates on the countries by bureaucrats who were as out of control, as are the EPA and other bureaucracies making laws that are called regulations that no one votes on. 

Black talks about warnings from Margaret Thatcher and Charles De Gaulle as to the unworkability of a unified Europe.  But long before that the Iron Chancellor of Germany himself, Otto Von Bismarck, noted in the late 1800's that Europe wasn't a country like the American states, which shares a common language and culture.  Europe was nothing more than a geographical designation.  A land mass with different languages, and seriously different cultures. 

Could this failure have been avoided by keeping the bureaucrats under control? No!  Europe has always been a divided continent with no shared vision, other than an underlying social paradigm for socialist systems.  Which is exactly what the left is working to impose on the United States. 

The EU will soon collapse, but this eventual outcome should have been obvious to the most casual observer.

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