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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Education in America Has Become a Snare and a Racket: Part III

By Rich Kozlovich

Today  posted the article, Progressive Bureaucrats Reshape Colleges into Caricatures of Learning Academies, saying:
 "The Gibson’s Bakery fiasco puts the decadence and depravity of American academia on display."
She went on to say:
"An Ohio bakery was just awarded $44 million from Oberlin College as compensation for being defamed as racist by college administrators. The family-owned Gibson’s Bakery had been the focus of protests following the arrest of three black Oberlin students involved in a 2016 shoplifting at the store. The jaw-dropping award resulted from Oberlin administrators playing a significant role in the events." 
"Considerable focus has been placed on the role of progressive college professors in setting the intellectual norms on campus. The ever-growing ranks of left-leaning administrators are equally consequential in transforming our educational institutions into progressive caricatures of academies of learning. Presidents, provosts, development officers, human resource and residence hall advisors, deans of diversity, and inclusion and student life and Title VI and IX staffers interact on a daily basis with students in all aspects of their campus lives, acting as parents, nursemaids, friends, and, too infrequently, disciplinarians. They often lead the charge for speech codes, safe spaces, and limits on free speech. Johns Hopkins Professor Benjamin Ginsberg calls the situation “administrative blight.”

This lawsuit should become an example for all those dealing with these leftist ideologues.  As for the number of administrators versus educators and students at Oberlin - that outrageous imbalance is what's going on at all the universities, including Ohio State.  And what they're being paid is outrageous.  Take some time and research how many administrators are at you state university and how much they're being paid. 

A few years ago when then President Gee of Ohio State was retiring I did some research on how many there were in administration, and how much they were paid. I was shocked at two things. How much the President made, and how much he spent.  And how many administrators were being paid over $300,000 a year, and how many over $200,000 a year. I would really like to see a breakdown on how much of that money goes into research versus administration.  Based on personal experience - the researchers at these institutions are left begging.  That's contemptible. 

It's time to stop funding higher education entirely. Let them become for profit institutions and start taxing all that money they've stored up in endowments, which is massive. Harvard's 37 BILLION dollar endowment fund could give all their students free educations for decades. Yale's endowment has "25.8 BILLION," "Princeton and Stanford, both at more than $22 billion". "Today, there are 57 schools with assets exceeding $1 billion in their endowments, and the more than $500 billion in all endowments goes untaxed." 

What's interesting to know is the larger these endowment funds get - they more these institutions charge.

On October 17, 2016 Thomas Phippen posted the article, Ivy League Colleges Get HUGE Subsidies From Federal Gov’t saying:
"The most exclusive and elite private colleges are heavily subsidized by taxpayer funds, according to a report on funds that Ivy League colleges receive from the federal government." 
"The eight schools received more than $30 billion in taxpayer funds between 2010 and 2014........  
"Each school received an average of $6 billion in taxpayer funds annually in that time period, including government contracts, grants, student aid, and non-profit tax benefits. Princeton University, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, and the University of Pennsylvania have large, untaxed endowments totaling $117 billion on-hand as of 2014. That’s equal to about $2 million per student, which, with continued contributions from alumni and friends of the colleges, would be enough to “provide free tuition to the entire student body in perpetuity,”....... 
"When invested, Ivy League endowment funds returned $3.4 billion in 2014, or nearly $60,000 per student."
There's no reason for these institutions to be charging what they're charging except greed.   President Trump wants higher education to cut those costs or lose taxpayer funding. That's an idea that's long overdue, and quite frankly, now, it's not enough.

In order to buy votes, Bernie and his band of lunatics want "higher" education to be free, and for the American taxpayers to forgive all these student loans, which they will have to pay to the tune of over a trillion dollars.  Does that sound like a good deal for Americans who never went to college, and whose children won't go to college?  Especially since so many of these loans were taken out to pay for degrees that will never generate enough money to allow them to pay off these debts without tremendous hardship. 

He says only the rich will be taxed for that.  Baloney!  Not only will everyone be taxed, in reality, the poorest will be taxed because taxes are the cost of doing business, and those taxes will be passed on to the consumer, right down to those on welfare through higher costs.

I hate to think how much these corrupt institutions would start charging if the "Feel the Bern" crowd have their way.

My solution.  Along with what I've already stated, students need to sue the universities for false advertising.  They should be telling these kids up front that gender studies, race studies, or even degrees in some sciences will not make them any real money, and why!  But they don't, and they won't, because if these kids really understood what they're buying - they'd recognize it's a scam.

What's worse, from high school through college, when these kids graduate from these institutions they are so inadequately prepared to fulfill the needs of companies that would hire them, that if the educational system of America was producing nuts and bolts instead of future workers, manufacturers would reject them at the back dock as defective.

If you doubt some of my comments, you may find my file on ""interesting.  It's all there.  From the corruption of thought and values, to the failure to educate.  Unless you consider leftist propaganda as education.

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