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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Massacre of Children in Peru Might Have Been a Sacrifice to Stop Bad Weather

Nicholas St. Fleur, New York Times, March 6, 2019

Last year archaeologists in Peru announced the discovery of a centuries-old ritual massacre, at a site they believed was the largest known case of child sacrifice ever found.  Buried beneath the sands of a 15th-century site called Huanchaquito-Las Llamas were nearly 140 child skeletons, as well as the remains of 200 llamas.

While the reasoning behind the gruesome mass murder of the boys and girls — who were only between the ages of 5 and 14 — cannot be definitively determined, the researchers now say the act was done out of desperation in response to a disastrous climatic event: El Niño.

“What we seem to have at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas is a sacrifice to stop torrential rains, flooding and mudflows,” said John Verano, an anthropologist at Tulane University and an author of the paper, which was published Wednesday in PLOS One.

The finding provides insight into the rituals of the ancient Chimú civilization that inhabited Peru’s northern coast. It also attempts to piece together the story behind why people murdered these children, presumably by cutting open their chests and ripping out their hearts..........To Read More...

My Take - There are so many unwritten insights in this account.

First, much of what is said about Columbus and his sailors and their despicable actions is true. If you wish to find fault with them for being bad Christians, that's a valid argument.

However, if you wish to find fault with them as being bad people there's a problem. Except for a few instances, they weren't as bad as those they replaced. They were playing by the same set of rules as their adversaries, they just played better, and ultimately the horrible religious practices involving mass human sacrifices ended.

Secondly, we justify the abortion because it will impact the mother's ability to advance economically. The ancient world butchered and sacrificed children to their gods to assure good crops. Economics!

The Aztecs slaughter millions to make sure the sun rose every day to assure the continuation of the world.

Now we have atheistic socialists who are demanding we abandon everything that allows for civilization, along with healthier longer lives, in the name of saving the planet from Global Warming.

Does anyone see the parallels there? Pagan religions and the green/left religion are amazingly similar in their misanthropic willingness to sacrifice humanity on their Satanic alter.

You don't believe in Satan? No matter, the correlation is still valid.

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