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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 18, 2015

Is Rep. Dave Joyce a Tea Partier? Depends who's brewing the tea

Democrats criticize freshman GOP Rep. Dave Joyce of Russell Township for
voting with the Tea Party, but Tea Party groups say he doesn't back them enough.
(Sabrina Eaton, The Plain Dealer)
By Sabrina Eaton, Northeast Ohio Media Group Washington CorrespondentThe Plain Dealer

In a series of postings on social media networks, Moreland Hills attorney Michael Wager ripped Joyce for pandering to the "Tea Party" with his vote, despite the risk of a “devastating default” on the nation’s debts.

Wager and other Democrats maintain Joyce is a rubber stamp for “Tea Party” priorities they abhor. As examples, they cite his repeated votes to repeal or delay the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, and his backing for a bill that led to last year’s government shutdown by trying to force a legislative tradeoff Democrats wouldn't accept: defunding Obamacare in exchange for an increased debt limit.

While Republicans who back the Tea Party say its loosely organized adherents back the simple goals of budget cutting and smaller government, as exemplified by their "Taxed Enough Already" acronym, many Democrats see them as extremists willing to risk disasters like a government shutdown to achieve their goals. For them, the term "Tea Party" is pejorative. A Gallup Poll taken last December showed the Tea Party's popularity has fallen, with just a third of Americans holding a favorable view of the movement.....To Read More..... 

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