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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 4, 2024

When Ego and Delusion Fills the Brain, There's No Room Intelligence

Definition lead to clarity.  Clarity leads to understanding.  Understanding leads to good decision making.  Good decision making leads to harmony.  That means Nikki Haley is toast.

By Rich Kozlovich

It's hard to believe anyone can as delusional as Nikki Haley, who was the former governor for the state of South Carolina, and she lost .... massively.... and not only that, she was declared the loser within to Trump within minutes of the closing of the polls, and most of the votes she got was from Democrats since South Carolina is an open primary state.


That line was from the movie Dumb and Dumber, and it really fits when it comes to Nikki Haley.   After such a loss from their home state, unable to even break 40 percent, she has become as insufferable as Hillary Clinton, Beto O'Rourke, and Liz Chaney, whose only skill is running for office.  Unsuccessfully!  And shooting their mouths vying to see who can be the most insufferable.

According to Nikki she's staying in this "race" because what she saw was South Carolina's frustration with our country's direction, and “couldn’t be more worried about America.” Really?  She worried, and she's absolutely sure “there are huge numbers of voters in our Republican primaries that want an alternative.” And of course she's just absolutely sure it's her the Republican base wants.  Amazing!

It gets' better.  Her reason for staying in?  She's "a woman of my word.”  Didn't I tell you it gets, better?  So, she's staying in because she's a woman of her word.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.

But she's getting support, a lot of support, except Nikki Haley appears to fabricate her own fan mail and gets devoured by the apex predators of MAGA.   This was on February 2nd, so is she still faking it?  I really don't know, but does it really matter?  Since when do the delusional need evidence to support their delusions? 

Then we have Michigan, where Trump won 65.6% of the votes to 30.2% for Nikki, and made a spectacle of herself, having wasted over $76M to Defeat Trump in MI, SC, NH, IA.  Tens of millions of dollars that didn't go to targeting Joe Biden, or the Democrats. 
  • Nikki Haley's Latest Spin on Trump's Michigan Win Is Beyond Delusional February 29, 2024 - Nikki Haley suffered another blowout loss to Donald Trump in Michigan on Tuesday. It’s not a primary—you cannot say that when one candidate consistently gets put through the shredder in every contest. Haley has yet to win anything but insists on giving the GOP base a choice. Does she not know that the party has already done so?  There may be some ambivalence and skepticism about a third Trump run, but what is unequivocal is that the Republican Party does not want Nikki Haley.............Yet, Haley has the gall to say these losses represent a warning sign for the Republican Party. She can’t spin these brutal losses as victories anymore. Now, it’s time to scare base voters by suggesting that voting for Trump is to push the country closer to destruction. That won’t work, especially from Haley, who has shown she has zero charisma. She’s the woman who didn’t know how to quit. .........
  • Trump Trounces Nikki Haley by Over 40 Points in Michigan 
  • Haley Heads for Another Loss
  • Nikki Haley's Super Tuesday Spin Is Beyond Ridiculous  March 02, 2024 - Nikki Haley is going to get obliterated by Donald Trump. The former South Carolina governor knows this, along with all her supporters—all four of them. It’s now about lowering expectations, which the Haley camp has sunk to ridiculous depths to spin this dumpster fire of the campaign. No one expects much on Super Tuesday. The Haley campaign has reached a point where these new media lines from her communications staff do more to the case that she should drop out of this now-embarrassing spectacle. 
She apparently feels she has to keep running because she's not sure Trump will follow the Constitution if he's elected to a second term, and he might decide to take revenge on his adversaries. 

Does she mean the ones who've committed treason, and been outrageously corrupt with the tacit consent of the DOJ and the FBI?  I didn't know it was revenge when you prosecute people for crimes they've committed. 

Remarkable!  Why, thank you Nikki for that insightful thought!  Get real, and refer back to my subtitle!
This is from the "woman of her word", the one who didn't feel she had to be faithful to her husband.  The same "woman of her word" who no longer feels she has to honor her pledge to support Trump. And why?  Because the RNC isn't the same.  Really?  What exactly does that mean?  It means she and her RINO friends are toast.  The Republican base is totally against them, as a result they're being driven out of power by Trump and his supporters, and they've read the tea leaves.

Nikki is as slippery as an eel, and when the seven dwarfs were running against Trump I pointed out she not only refused to say Biden was elected through voter fraud, she actually claimed he won.   All the while blabbering about preventing voter fraud, trying to have it both ways.  

While she did a credible job as the UN Ambassador, she's not to be trusted.  While other candidates rightly called the latest Trump indictment a travesty of justice and political persecution, Nikki Haley bragged:

“Unlike the other candidates, I didn’t rush out with a statement yesterday on Trump’s indictment for one simple reason—like most Americans, I’m tired of commenting on every Trump drama, ........I’ve lost track of whether this indictment is the third or fourth or the fifth.”  

So, let me see if I understand this correctly.  Unlike the other candidates, it appears she didn't care about all this political corruption, and her failure to take a position against all these corrupt lawfare political indictments is a virtue.   A virtue!  Did I get that right?
Wow!  Now, what could be more inspirational for all those thousands and thousands of Republicans she claims are desperate for an alternative than that?  Oh, wait I know, I know, she could just go home and stop wasting everyone's time and money, and shut her mouth for the rest of her life.  Inspiration!


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