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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 22, 2024

When the Klaxon Sounds, That Means Battle Stations!

In a war between the barbarians and the wimps, the barbarians win every time
By Rich Kozlovich
On March 22, 2024 David Carlin published this article,  The Alarm Bell Is Clanging saying:
We are all aware that democracy is not a modern invention.  It was characteristic of many city-states in the ancient world.  Athens, for instance, had a flourishing democracy in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., until the independence of the city disappeared in the emerging age of empires.........We moderns didn’t create democracy.  However, beginning with the American Founding Fathers, we created and sustained democracy in large societies such as the USA and many European countries.....One of the tremendous weaknesses of ancient democracies — a weakness that we moderns, and we Americans especially, should pay great attention to — was their bad practice of politicizing their judicial systems.  Politician X wasn’t content to defeat his opponent at the polls.  No, he wanted to prosecute him, drive him into exile, impose ruinous fines on him, put him to death. 
He went on to outline historical events where the rule of law was abandoned for political expediency, and how that practice destroyed those societies. 
There's the oft quoted line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war", which meant the troops were now given permission to wreak havoc, steal, murder, pillage, and rape, without interference or resistant of any kind, like wild dogs without chains.  That's what we're seeing right now with all these "lawfare" attacks against Donald Trump, Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans and Christians.  And make no mistake, here are the consequences for starting this.  There will be retribution, or capitulation.  Because once this starts, those are the only options.  It then becomes the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. 
The author goes on to say:
This conspiracy also includes not just prosecutors and civil plaintiffs, but a vociferous cheering section made up of journalistic reporters and commentators, both print and electronic, who assure the public on a daily basis, indeed an hourly basis, that all the judicial attacks on Trump are fully warranted.  The conspirators hate Trump, and they are acting in accordance with the old maxim “all’s fair in love and war.” Somebody may object that the word “conspiracy” is not quite right, since the word implies that there is a centralized command behind all these “let’s get Trump” suits and prosecutions.  While it is possible that there is such a command, this has not yet been proven.  So I cheerfully waive the word “conspiracy.”  Let’s say it is a quasi-conspiracy. The politicization of any judicial system, ancient or modern, is a loud alarm bell indicating that democracy may be starting to crumble.
I've linked articles and written about conspiracies, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists for years, and I can say, for those who claim there's no such thing as a conspiracy........well then..... they must not have ever read a history book, or don't care what history tells us.  We really do need to accept this. Everything really is a conspiracy, and not necessarily a behind closed doors meetings to plan a course of action kind of conspiracy. What we're seeing is a conspiracy of philosophy and thought.  They think the same way, they act the same way, they justify each other's actions, and they are unified in attacking those who stand against them. Much like mass drone attacks to sink Russian ships in the Black Sea. And it works because the numbers are too great to defend against, as individuals!

Conservatives need to start defending each other and that defense starts with an unflinching, courageous, determined, and unrelenting offense, because persistence is king.  One of the politicians I actually admire is Calvin Coolidge who said: 
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race"
Most of us merely want to live in peace and be left alone, but the left cannot tolerate that.  They have an insane need to dominate and control the lives of those around them.  I don't understand why that's not viewed as a serious mental condition, since it appears to be a movement whose leaders seem to be
The klaxon is sounding, "which way will you go?"

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