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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 28, 2024

This is the Obama Military

By Rich Kozlovich

He then goes on to quote a career retired Army Colonel who served for 31 years by the name of Larry Wilkerson who made a video saying:

“I recommend none of you 18 and 19 year olds go into the military, because all your military is doing today is being led by people who are insane, infested with lust for money, who want to get out of the military and make seven, eight figures with defense contractors, [and] want war after war after war.”......I'm almost 80 years old and I never thought I would say that to young people."

The author goes on to make these three points:

  1. Who wants to volunteer for an organization that has watered down physical and mental fitness requirements and brags about unfairly promoting personnel based on their race or sexual identity?  
  2. Who wants to serve under a politically motivated leadership class that views “white supremacy,” Christianity, and “climate change” as America’s existential enemies?   
  3. Who wants to risk life and limb for Defense chiefs who punished service members for refusing experimental “vaccines” (and would do so again)?   

I'm almost 78, I served and worked in intelligence, and loved the work.  I hated the military, but truth be told, I hate any form of institutional life as it reduces you as an individual, unless you're among the officer class, who I despised, and I still despise.  But at least they weren't traitors then.  However, there's a caveat to that.

We really need to understand this in order to understand how Obama destroyed the military.   The  officer corp is the ultimate go along to get along gang, provided you want to get promoted, and the reason they weren't traitorous then is because the ground wasn't fertile for treason as it is now.   

 The author makes this final point:

The Armed Forces are in dire need of an ideological fumigation that can drive the “woke” mind virus out for good.  Unless the branches return to a culture that celebrates honor, strength, and merit, DIE-obsessed Marxists will continue to transform America’s once-intimidating fighting forces into a puny pack of politically correct toy poodles.  Nothing invites aggression so much as perceived weakness.

Can this be turned around without a massive u-turn in society in general?  And that starts with a massive fumigation in public education by eliminating the Department of Education, stop all funding to education at all levels making education a local and state function, eliminating all public employee unions, especially the teacher's unions, and attacking the Marxist stench of academia.   

That will take more than four years to fix, but it can be done by understanding the left is like rust it never sleeps, and conservatives must be equally unrelenting, never back down, never make bargains with the left, and attack each and every scheme they propose.  Always remembering they spout nothing by lies of commission, lies of omission, obfuscate and twist the definition of words, and spew out logical fallacies that sound good.  Never forget, the left isn't just wrong, it's evil, as their true goals are to destroy the American character, the American identity, the American economy, and ultimately, destroy the Constitution.  

That's history, and that history is incontestable.  Once we accept that everything they do and say falls into place.

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