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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 10, 2023

The Left is in Serious Need of Psychological Help

By Rich Kozlovich - Updated 7/11/23 @ 3:07 AM.

Yesterday I posted my article on internet trolls, Trolls Live in Caves, and That's Where They Belong, demonstrating these are people with serious psychological issues.  This morning I posted this great piece from Francis Menton, How To Think Like A Liberal Supreme Court Justice -- Part II.  

It's bad enough when one has to deal with internet trolls and their corrupt thinking, but the nation has been dealing with "troll" like thinking for decades from the federal judiciary.  The federal judiciary is filled with incompetent political hacks, and not very bright political hacks, and SCOTUS has now, and has in the past, far too many for the health of the nation. As Menton notes in his article regarding their "strongest" arguments  of dissent regarding SFFA v. Harvard.:

The whole subject of the law just never seems to come up. And are you wondering yet how allowing UNC and/or Harvard (or other elite colleges) to engage in naked racial discrimination is supposed to fix any of this stuff?

These are people who aren't interested in upholding the law, or the Constitution.  They're minds are twisted and filled with destructive thought processes you have to wonder what's wrong with their mind.  And that's the theme for this article.  Important, prominent, and powerful people who are in serious need of psychological help. 

Every week I save links to Daniel Greenfield's "The Point" posts appearing in Frontpage Magazine, and on Friday when I publish P&D and The Week That Was, I post them all as , for three reasons.   He's prolific, insightful, and he covers every issue facing America and the world..

As you go through his articles you can't help but wonder what's is really going on in the minds of people he discusses.  What are they using for brains?  Their view of the Constitution is so blatantly unhinged, you have to conclude if they truly believe what they're saying they're in serious need of psychological help, and if they don't believe it, they're even in more need of psychological help.  And that's across the board on every issue with which they're being confronted. 

We seeing the destruction of France in detail.  Who's to blame? Video games.  Imagine that.  Not the insane immigration policies of Western European or EU allowing huge numbers of Muslims who hate Europe, hate western civilization, hate Christians, hate Jews, hate anyone who isn't Muslim, and even hate Muslims who aren't their brand of Muslim.  

A policy the EU is attempting to impose on all of Europe, allowing Muslims to flood Europe, perpetrating rape, murder, theft, and crime on a massive scale, working to destroy the governments and societies of these nations and impose Islam...of one brand or another.....which is an abject formula for unending violence.  No, that's not the problem.  It's video games.  

The destiny of Western civilization is being decided through immigration and demographics, and while it's not outright war, it's certainly unbridled violence, crime and harassment.  The Western world has become numb to the real problem, demographics, and the question is now, will always be, and has always been in all of human history: Who will be the population that will rule?

It makes you wonder if these highly educated leaders ever read a history book.  And if the did, why don't they understand, or refuse to understand, that foundational truth?   This is a group of "leaders" in serious need of psychological help. 

Then there's the left's solution on crime.  I really like the left's solution to crime, don't you?  Get rid of the police, or make it impossible for them to do their jobs, and then scream with outrage when the police aren't doing their jobs!  How's that working out? 

Well, when they do their jobs what do we find?  They're being racist!  Yes, racist!  Why?  Because they're arresting far more blacks than whites!  But since blacks per ratio commit far more crimes, and serious crimes than whites, that would be expected.  Unless of course one is a race hustler, then they ignore black crime.  That's especially true of those cities run by black mayors and black prosecutors, allowing out of control black thugs to run like ravenous wolves though the population.  Is that racist?  No, it's factual.  The truth isn't racist, it's just the truth. 

So, what's the solution?  Well, for the cops it's simple.   Rather than tolerate all that insanity, cops are simply quitting the force in America's major cities, or a lot of cops are simply not doing what they're being paid to do, and it's hard to blame them.   Cities that are being destroyed by leftist mayors and city governments, and crime is rampant!

Leftist virtue signalling is a poison pill that comes back to haunt them. Ben and Jerry who never saw a far left insanity they didn't embrace, demand Mt. Rushmore be returned to indian nations.  First, no matter how they define this, there are no indian nations, they're defeated peoples who live protected in America.  If they were conquered by other indian tribes, they would have been eliminated by the conquering tribes, as did the Comanche did to the Apache.   An effort that went on long before European settlers ever landed on these shores.  

Now and Indian Chief is demanding Ben and Jerry turn over the land where they're headquarters is located in Vermont, not to mention their personal homes and other properties they possess, and by their value system should be turned over to indian "nations".  After all, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.  Schadenfreude.  

China is the world's enemy, and Biden want's to make patty cake with them telling the CCP America has no desire to hurt China economically or in any other way.  What could possibly go wrong?  Well, a lot can go wrong with the Biden administration nitwits.  

Monica Showalter posted this article, The Great Kowtow: Janet Yellen bows to China, saying:

.......Janet Yellen, whose trip to China sent a very clear message to China, just through her body language.........bowing to a top leader of one of the world's foremost currency-manipulating nations...bow, bow again, bow's as if she's saying she's so glad she got to see this guy after so much groveling to get that meeting she just couldn't help herself... she was groveling, or, kowtowing, to use an earlier term.

But now we know there's a path of corruption in this move leading right up to Joe Biden, and the entire administration, the media, the Democrat party, and entirely too many Republicans are buying into this insanity.   All of whom are in serious need of psychological help. 

But as one reads all this stuff you begin to realize there aren't anywhere near enough psychologists in the world available to help all these lunatics.  Then, if you've been paying attention to what psychologist promote, you may think, maybe that's a good thing!   Because it seems to me they're even in more desperate need of psychological help than these other lunatics.  

UPDATE, 7/11/23, 3:07 AM:

If anyone has any doubt about the intrinsic insanity and moral debased thinking, motives and goals of leftists, please view Mark Lewis series  The Left’s Culture of Death.  This is what the Democrat party has become, who the Biden administration is, who they're in bed with, and Yellen is bowing to.  This is who the left really is, and this is what the left would love to impose on America, and this is why they're so enraged at the SCOTUS decision that prevents them from imposing censorship rules on the media.  

Whether it's the leftist movements of the world, including environmentalism, or Islam, history is the touchstone we need to embrace and understand these are violent tyrants who are using our own values against us to destroy us, and censorship is at the heart of it all.  

We really do need to get that. 

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