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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Will you like what’s coming?

At the rate things are going, we’d better start preparing for life under perpetual Democrat or Uniparty governance. Hare are just a few points to ponder about what that life might be like. Feel free to share with Woke family and friends. Do you like the dark, i.e. living in the dark and carrying flashlights and candles after the sun goes down? You’d better because there will be lots of opportunity once Uniparty-induced brownouts and blackouts take hold because of our power grid’s inability to supply dependable power as the war on fossil fuels takes hold. Exaggerated? Read about California in the last 20 years. Do you like extreme heat in your house in the summer? See above. Beware of living in the Southeast. This is how the Uniparty will play nasty against its most geographically identifiable opposition. Get screens for your windows. NOW. Do you like extreme cold in your house in the winter? See above. By the way, don’t depend on firewood. They’ll ban it. CO2, you know..............To Read More...

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