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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

No Joke: Russia Assumes Presidency of U.N. Security Council

Simon Kent

Russia’s rise to the presidency of the U.N. Security Council this month is not an April Fool’s joke, Moscow’s delegate to the globalist organization indignantly declared Monday. The presidency has rotated monthly in alphabetical order among its 15 members since it was founded at the conclusion of World War II. Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told reporters there will be no change in the rules of the body with Russia committed to maintaining international peace, security and co-prosperity for all. AP reports he said Russia has been “an honest broker” during past council presidencies, a role “which we value and cherish, and we are always trying to maintain it” as it served the broader objectives of the United Nations organization.

Others are not so sure.........To

My Take - So the nation that attacked a weaker neighbor without a declaration of war, a violation of the UN Charter, and a human rights violator for all the years they've been a member of the UN, is now going to be in charge of the Security Council, and all of a sudden everyone's upset?  Really?  How about this.  Since it's clear the UN is the most incompetent and corruption organization the world has ever known, and is an abject failure in all it's endeavors I think it's a good time to ask why the US is still a member?  The UN is morally bankrupt and has been for all it's existence, and if the US walks away, it will be financially bankrupt.  That would be a positive!

The minute they allowed Russia to become a member, and worse yet, a permanent member of the Security Council, along with France, their moral bankruptcy was apparent, and then allowing China and all the Muslim controlled nations to join, all acting in abject violation of the UN Charter violating human rights beyond imagination, their moral bankruptcy went beyond any possible hope of redemption. 

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