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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Biden hands the Middle East to China

April 4, 2023 By James Lewis 

While the United States has been hypnotized by our domestic battle of Biden versus Trump, China has made a major move in the Middle East. It has negotiated an alliance of convenience between those thousand-year enemies, the Saudis and Iranians, whose theological feud goes back to the generation after Mohammed. China has thereby effectively countered the Abraham Accords negotiated by the US, the Arab states (with Saudis in the background) and Israel. We are now seeing the Chinese game of Wei-chi (the Japanese call it Go), and you practically need a computer to keep track of the moves.

Let's take this from Israel's viewpoint to simplify things. Since 1979, when the US allowed our the Shah of Iran to be overthrown, a fierce new stream of warlike Jihad has come to world power. Shi'ite Iran has turned into a global spider with hairy legs all over the planet, driven by a murderous hatred of Israel, the United States, and the weakened Christian West.........To Read More....

My Take - What's the real lesson we need to draw down from this?  These allies aren't allies of shared values.  They're at best, leaky vessels as allies, and need to be treated accordingly.  Having said that, when the President of the United States is even dumber than Jimmy Carter, and surrounding himself with nitwits, dimwits, weirdos and nut cases, why would we expect any better?   Let me say this again, Biden was elected via voter fraud.  And the nation ended up with an incompetent, corrupt and mentally impaired President!

Anybody noticing how many diplomatic victories China is racking up these days?, By Monica Showalter March 30, 2023-  Somebody at China's foreign ministry must be getting promotions. It's been one diplomatic victory after another for the Chinese, While most of the attention is focused on China's growing military might and technological success, the diplomatic front is racking up successes, too. David Goldman had an interesting tweet:................


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