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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 10, 2020

UN’s Irrelevance in Corona Crisis Invites a Rethink of the World Body

By , Special to the Sun | April 9, 2020
“If there were no United Nations we’d have to invent one” is an overused Turtle Bay cliche worth examining now, as the UN is MIA in the face of the worst global crisis since its founding 75 years ago.

As a pandemic threatens the globe with loss of life on a biblical scale and economic collapse, a behemoth that fancies itself as “the world body” is nowhere to be seen.

Start with the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, who immediately sprang to “action,” vaingloriously calling for a global ceasefire to enable the world to focus on the pandemic. No major combatant heeded his call. So, next, he asked member states to fund a $2 billion UN-based initiative for a global humanitarian response. That fund is yet to materialize.

The Security Council, the UN’s most prestigious body charged with ensuring global peace and security, is also yet to respond. It failed to unite behind Mr. Guterres’ global ceasefire and couldn’t even muster a generic statement on the pandemic: China opposes any reference to the origin of an outbreak that America insists calling the “Wuhan virus.”

Instead, pre-coronavirus pet issues dominate the UN................To Read More....

My Take - If these countries really believed this China flu was as serious as is being touted by the media, why then are they ignoring this request? Four reasons.

First, the UN is the most incompetent and corrupt institution on the planet, and most of that money would be squirreled away, little of it being used for whatever purpose for which it was supposed to be used. As for the money that wasn’t diverted? It would be wasted.

Secondly, they know, as do I, this is hysteria, hyperbole and politics, not science, and not health care.  It's politics!!!!!  They understand no matter what the UN, or any other nation or institution does, this flu will have to run its course. 

Third, they looking down the road and seeing what’s ahead for the long range issues that really will impact they and their constituents. None of which are going away any time soon. Unlike these hysterical Chicken Littles who are incapable of seeing long term because they’re too devoted to the study their navels......... and feeding at the government trough, which seems to go hand in hand. 

Fourth, the UN agency that would be handling this is WHO and their director general is a guy named Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a radical communist.  He and WHO are more about politics than disease control.  "He was elected despite glaring shortcomings", and that was because of support from China, to whom he bows. 

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